Complete Course Series Description

What is the Resilient Minds Training Program Curriculum?

The Resilient Minds Training Program adopts many of the principles established in the PERMA model of well-being (positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, accomplishment.) A greater sense of self-awareness can lead to enhanced self-management skills for an individual. Indeed, resilience and wellness training builds resilience and improves it in people who consider themselves to be resilient. Therefore, understanding these concepts and engaging in continual practice of these principles, will foster and increase personal resilience. The Resilient Minds Training Program is based upon several basic concepts that will ultimately train the student to “remind, reframe, and rewire” their thought process. We will also introduce the concept of reciprocal resiliency. Through exercises learned in class, students will learn to choose to focus thoughts on fixing the issue at hand. Students will also learn to recognize their personal “triggers;” when they are spiraling down; and how to check themselves to stop a downward spiral.

Is This Training Program Limited Only to Law Enforcement or First Responders?

No. Lessons taught in this training are universal and therefore transcends the first responder community. The principles taught can help adults, children and adolescents overcome adverse childhood experiences. The Resilient Minds principle applies equally to top level executives and rank and file employees. The same skills that guide the CEO of a company will also help the worker on the line, stocking the shelves, or transporting goods. The concepts taught in this course will increase job satisfaction, increase engagement, and improve focus. The Resilient Minds Training Program will make your leadership team and managers better equipped at problem solving by focusing on active listening, promoting teamwork and effective communication skills. Studies demonstrate there is a 63% difference in productivity of workers who are managed by leaders who emphasize employee strengths rather than a weakness. Ultimately, a truly resilient group will need to adopt and live these concepts from the “top-down.”

The full curriculum includes:

  • the importance of positive emotions
  • gratitude and blessings
  • balanced thinking and growth mindset
  • goal setting and understanding triggers which cause unproductive reactions that interfere with performance, goals, and relationships
  • understanding how the brain interprets activating events and the emotional and physiological consequences (“ABC” Model)
  • effective active listening communication skills
  • meaning making and acceptance
  • spiritual, physiological, mental and emotional resilience
  • meditation, yoga, tactical breathing exercises, physical training, and nutrition